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  • Rambo Garcia

5 At-Home Hip Mobility Exercises to Improve Your Mobility

Do you feel a nagging stiffness in your hips? If so, you’re not alone. Sitting for prolonged periods of time and lack of physical activity can lead to hip tightness that can make it harder for you to move. That’s why it’s important to do hip mobility exercises—not only will they help reduce the tightness, but they will also improve your range of motion and flexibility. Here are five at-home hip mobility exercises that you can do to get started.

Hip Flexor Stretch

The hip flexors are muscles that run through the front of the hips and connect them with other parts of the body, including your spine. This means that when they become tight, it can limit your ability to move freely. To stretch them out, start by kneeling on one knee with your back foot flat on the floor. Then, drive your hips forward until you feel a mild stretch in the front of your hip. Hold this position for 30 seconds before switching legs.


Clamshells are an excellent exercise for strengthening your glutes and improving hip mobility. To perform this exercise, lie on one side with both knees bent at a 90-degree angle. With both feet together, lift your top knee up as far as you can without moving the lower leg off the ground. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds before switching sides and repeating the movement.

Lateral Squat Walks

This exercise is great for loosening up stiff hips while also working on balance and coordination skills at the same time! Start this exercise by standing with feet shoulder-width apart and toes facing outward in a V shape. Then, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground before stepping out laterally with one foot while keeping low in a squat position throughout each step. Take 10 lateral steps before changing direction and taking 10 more steps going back towards where you started from!

Glute Bridges

Glute bridges are an easy yet effective way to strengthen and activate those glutes all while improving hip mobility! Start by lying flat on your back with feet planted flat on the ground about shoulder width apart then engage those glutes as you press into the heels driving them up towards ceiling as high as possible without arching lower back off ground then slowly lower back down maintaining control throughout full range of motion . Repeat 15 times or more depending on fitness level .

Split Squats

Split squats are an excellent way to target both legs independently while also stretching out those tight hips! Start by taking a big step forward with one leg then bend both knees simultaneously until front thigh is parallel to floor . Drive through heel of front foot returning to starting position before switching legs . Keep core engaged throughout entire movement and focus breathing pattern inhaling during descent , exhaling during ascent . Repeat 10 reps per side or more depending on fitness level!

Whether you’re looking to gain strength or increase flexibility, these five at-home hip mobility exercises will help get you started! Not only will they help reduce stiffness but they can also improve overall balance and coordination skills too! So what are you waiting for? Get moving now!

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