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  • Rambo Garcia

Mobility vs. Flexibility: What's the Difference and How to Train for Each

Mobility and flexibility are two terms that are often used interchangeably, yet they have very different meanings. Mobility is the ability of a joint to move through its full range of motion without pain or restriction, while flexibility is the range of motion that can be achieved in a joint. It’s important to understand the differences between these two concepts as both mobility and flexibility play an important role in overall performance. Let’s take a closer look at how to train for each.

Mobility Training

Mobility training involves improving the strength, coordination, and stability throughout your entire range of motion—not just at end ranges. The goal of mobility training is to help you perform movements with greater efficiency, reduce any tension or discomfort in your muscles, and improve your body’s overall performance.

To train for mobility, focus on dynamic stretching exercises that involve moving through a range of motion such as squats, lunges, step-ups, planks and rotations using bodyweight exercises or light weights. Additionally, foam rolling can be beneficial for increasing circulation and breaking up knots in tight muscles which will help improve overall joint health.

Flexibility Training

Flexibility is the ability to move your joints through their maximum range of motion without pain or restriction. Unlike mobility training which focuses on improving strength and coordination within each movement, flexibility training focuses on lengthening individual muscle fibers so they can more easily glide against each other when you move.

For this reason, static stretching exercises like reaching toward your toes or holding poses such as downward dog can be effective when it comes to increasing flexibility. Additionally, yoga can be particularly helpful for increasing flexibility because it combines breathing with postures so you can relax into stretches more easily than if you were doing them on your own.

Whether you’re an elite athlete or just someone who enjoys working out regularly, understanding the differences between mobility and flexibility is key for optimizing performance both inside and outside of the gym. By focusing on dynamic stretching exercises and foam rolling to increase mobility as well as static stretching exercises like yoga poses to increase flexibility you can ensure that your joints stay healthy while also helping to improve overall performance by increasing range of motion and reducing any tension or discomfort in your muscles. Ultimately this will help keep you safe while enjoying the activities that bring you joy!

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