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  • Rambo Garcia

Weight Loss: What's better: Strength Training, HIIT, or Slow-Steady Cardio?

Strength training is a great way to lose weight and get in shape because it has a number of advantages over traditional long-steady cardiovascular exercises. Strength training helps build muscle mass, which in turn increases your metabolic rate, giving you an edge when it comes to burning calories. By building muscle, you are also creating a more sustainable form of exercise that will give longer lasting results than long-steady cardio exercises alone.

Not only is strength training better than traditional long-steady cardio for weight loss, but High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is even superior. HIIT involves short burst of high intensity exercise followed by periods of rest or active recovery. This type of exercise has been proven to be more effective at burning fat and improving aerobic conditioning than long-steady cardio exercises. HIIT also takes less time to complete, making it more convenient for busy people who don’t have much time for the gym.

For the best results when it comes to weight loss, it’s important to combine all three types of exercise: strength training, HIIT, and long steady cardio. Strength training should be done two to three times per week with full body compound moves like deadlifts, squats, press ups and lunges. HIIT should be done once or twice per week in shorter 10-20 minute bursts with exercises such as sprinting or burpees. Long steady cardio can be done on the days in between these workouts and can consist of jogging or cycling for 45 minutes or longer.

By combining all three types of exercise into one routine you can ensure that you get the best possible results from your workouts and help speed up your progress towards reaching your goals. Strength training will help build lean muscle mass while HIIT will burn fat quickly and efficiently; both forms of exercise combined with regular long steady cardio will help keep your metabolism elevated so that you continue losing weight even after you leave the gym!

The key takeaway when it comes to weight loss is that if you want fast results then focusing solely on one type of exercise isn’t enough; instead you need a combination of strength training, HIIT and long steady cardio for maximum benefit! So make sure that you include all three into your routine if you want achieve the best possible results!

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